Thursday, October 4, 2012

Dude! Where's My Job?

Occupations intertwined with print media will see their demand and importance decline over the coming decade, affecting a range of fields. Newspapers in particular will continue to see diminishing circulation. As more individuals convert to hand held mobile internet devices, the convenience of having instant access to real-time news from multiple sources will hurt paper news sales. With the advancement of technology and adhering to Moore’s Law[1] ; over the next decade the speed and power will increase while the cost decreases becoming more affordable, widening the consumer base. Advertisers have recognized the growing trend and are redirecting marketing dollars to online content providers. As revenues and profits for print media plunges, occupations such as beat reporters, columnist and sports writers will see their ranks thinned.

      Print Media: Don't Call It A  Comeback:

Those peripheral fields that heavily rely on printing presses a blazing, will cease rising in importance and necessity. The ink industry, paper manufacturers and printing companies alike will shrink. The men and women laboring in print facilities are sure to see jobs lost as circulation continues to shift towards digital subscriptions. News paper delivery persons and newsstands risk becoming obsolete sooner than later.  The same can be said for the paper books, magazines and textbook industry.

                           GOODBYE MR. POSTMAN

Another industry or entity victimized by technology and assured a perpetual downward spiral is the United States Postal Service. The need for snail mail is already outdated and hanging on by a thread because mass marketing junk mailers who won’t let go. As internet access spreads and broadband connection speeds multiply, the amount of paid postage mail will evaporate. The USPS generated $66 billion of revenue during 2011[2]; $1.9 billion in salaries and benefits per week. They employ an equivalent of 19 thousand full time employees all coordinating a massive postal delivery infrastructure.  Total retail revenue and customer visits have decreased all but one year[3] over the last 10 years. The U.S. postal service pays United Parcel Service and Federal Express to deliver in excess of 400 million packages each year. Outsourcing so large a portion of their business is not the actions of a market leader. If the USPS was a private company in 2011 they would have ranked 35th.  Many if not all these jobs will be lost with increased e-mail use and never return. Postmasters, service clerks and security personal are just 3 occupations affected every time a new Blackberry or I-Phone is purchased. Technologically advanced mechanisms are displacing labor workers and thinning their rank and file as well. New century sorting devices and high end scanners are more efficient and cost effective than their human counterparts. Self-serve kiosks are replacing clerks and cashiers who once processed mail and sold postage. Machines do not need healthcare, vacations or personal days; all costs that drive down profits and will eventually lead to more job loss. A pandemic poisoning service industries and reducing labor forces at a more rapid rate than new jobs are being created. Technological advancement comes with a cost!


A field that will rise in demand and importance will be urban agriculture. To be more specific, urban roof top horticulture. An ever rising population needs an ever increasing food supply. The cost of petroleum trickles down to the items stocked on shelves in the aisles of stores patronized by everyday consumers. Locally grown vegetables and fruits have competitive advantages over large farmers who must take into account spoilage when pricing their goods. The price at the gas pump with the addition to salaries of long distance transportation, the specialized equipment necessary to ensure fresh delivered produce and the final packaging all affect the check out price when scanned at a kiosk. Another advantage is local restaurant operators, produce retailers, fruit and veggie stands can order strand specific tomatoes, apples, herbs and spices etc. in order to bring a more unique culinary experience for customers. Locavores[4] are growing demographic and combined with today’s conscious eaters who pay premiums for healthy alternatives; this niche market will be expanded upon; perhaps even adopted by the mass public. With relative low start off costs and little overhead, landlords who would enjoy lining their pockets with profits from a space underutilized and generating no income; this sector will see job growth.


Another occupation sure to rise in importance is waste collection and disposal. The field is vast and has many opportunities for employment growth. Scientists are needed to research and develop long-term solutions for waste disposal. They are also responsible for creating new innovative safety measures that are necessary in protecting the environment. Drivers and handlers will be in demand for the physical collection and handling of waste. Administrative positions will need expanding; to coordinate the partnerships with commercial districts, residential districts, mixed zones and city officials for cost effective, safe and efficient waste management. Engineers will be needed to construct mechanisms for collection, transportation, recycling and disposal. Waste is a field of employment that will be in demand and grow in importance into the next decade.

[3] 2005

Friday, September 7, 2012

War Lords & Death Mongers


The hustle and bustle of the lowly struggling to make ends meet and living hand to mouth; leaves them too poor and tired to enjoy the “Fine Evenings” (Brecht, 10). The more people ponder where they are from and where is there final destination, the less time and energy they can spend contemplating the decisions those at the top are making. Holding leaders accountable becomes less and less important when daily struggles routinely preoccupy thoughts.
Distractions overload the senses from all angles penetrating most defenses. Subliminally, economically and existentially people are bombarded with images meant to jade consciences into a Leviathan Sleep. In Bertolt Brecht’s’ poem “From A German War Primer” he references people being so consumed by divided attention they do not realize the cost of their apathy. Unfortunately, warfare has become common place among the many global territories and is familiar to all due to this impassivity.


This merry-go-round of confusion and deceit continues to bamboozle generation after generation, regardless the party of majority or type of government. Systems are created with the intent on burdening citizens with little to no income. Obstacles within these bureaucracies’ prevent a larger percentage of the less privileged and financially strapped individuals’ from breaking through and achieving upward intra-generational mobility. Educational debt, mortgage debt, car debt, credit card debt have become modern day slavery. Conflicts across the globe and calls for patriotism blinds eyes. Gone are the days of discrimination against ethnicity, culture, religion et cetera. Currently, populations are segregated economically creating a de-facto-castesystem. The rich continue to prosper; the middle class continue make the rich richer and the poor are strategically sacrificed pawns meant to frighten the middle class to continue enriching the most fortunate sons[i] of society.“The house painter speaks of great times to come” and mass public falls in line (Brecht, line 76). These house painting representatives stand at pulpits preaching anxiety and separatism. Underneath their sleeves they are armed with a plethora of tools in the shed of mass public psychological warfare that never fail. Fear and legislation are the ones utilized most often with effective results.

Oct. 30, 1938: The Martians Have Landed in New Jersey![ii] This radio broadcast might not have been meant to incite mass panic and hysteria but the lessons learned during this accidental social experiment were archived and expanded upon. Media has been an effective device used to deliver which ever generational fear is most successful in manipulating the public.
Starting in 1960’s thru 80’s United States and British school children were shown propaganda films informing them of the safety procedures during an atomic fall out. [iii] Ironic, since it was the U.S. who actually dropped not one but two A. bombs on Japan.[iv]
Not long after the dust settled from ozone layer holes caused by hair spray, nuclear arms races and space wars, a new fear emerged, Y2K.[v]  Today, terrorism is the new global enemy “Either your with us or your with the terrorist” (George Bush II, 9/20/2011). Justifiable collateral damage accepted in the name of freedom and the preservation of it. People are sold a democracy of meritocracy based on a minuscule number of rags to riches stories. In reality it is a crony-capitalism controlled by an oligarchy only concerned with self-enrichment.


Laws are an effective tools used to control the overall population; minimizing the rights and opportunities of many in society; while maximizing the impunity of others in the overwhelming numerical minority.  Elected public servants speak disingenuous rhetoric provoking and igniting emotions in the mass public they are sworn to act in the best interest of. Done while double and triple playing demographics against one another. Focusing on the differences that distinguish humans rather than championing the similarities’ that binds.


Perpetrated under a banner of change; a common place rally cry shouted at nausea rendering it cliché. Only to be betrayed and sold-out by officials in the cigar smoked filled air of grandiose board rooms. Cap toe shoes resting on tables the monetary cost of a modest neighborhood home default-mortgage.  Written off as an expense by some book cooking legal eagle dressed in a dark navy, two button single pleated 200’s wool suit. Red, white and blue striped tie accompanied by a die cast metal American flag pinned to a 2 ½ inch open notch lapel symbolizing their patriotism and loyalties.


   Every step of the way promoting populous extremism’s wrapped around core ethical values. Highlighting integrity and hot stove non-issue issues then selling Nations dignities and cultural identities through austerity measures backed financially by some central bank or International Monetary Fund. In-debting future generations with out there consent guaranteeing their obligations will be so great that escaping the chains of ascribed status is minimal and inconsequential. Corporations granted more human rights than some of the conquered countries propped up dictators’ offer their citizens; put in power by taxpayer dollars. Some legal entities generating revenue streams and assets exceeding some Nations gross domestic production.

Politicians should be forced to wear uniforms like
NASCAR drivers; so their corporate sponsors’ are easily identifiable[vi]. The rights to collectively bargain is systematically being stripped and outlawed state by state, continent by continent until entire work forces worldwide are subjugated to At-will employment[vii]; subservient to their corporate masters. Abortion, Civil unions and privacy et cetera are smoke screens to camouflage the fires burning from the destruction caused by smart weapons of war. Issues shocking the consciences’ of people; occupying their thoughts and energy while financial brain trusts loot and pillage; pirates masquerading as the Smartest Guys in the Room[viii]. Banking bailouts and Ponzi schemes lead to rescue plans and stimulus packages.


Corporate double taxation and capital gains are terms linked to food stamp administrations and entitlements.   The warfare between the working and investment class is creating divisions among citizens, building resentment that might result in mass backlash and unrest; further stifling recovery. When the checks begin bouncing and accounts are over drawn war will be on the horizon. “The war that is coming is not the first” (Brecht, 26). It is a vicious cycle of oppression in which history continues to repeat itself.
“The bombs being dropped on the jungles of Vietnam were exploding in the ghettos and barrios of America” (Why I oppose the war in Vietnam, Dr. King). Trillions of taxpayer dollars spent on development and deployment of intelligent weapons aimed at bringing liberty and justice for all!  “Got money for war but can’t feed the poor” (Keep Your Head Up, Shakur). As these funds are being allocated families struggle with mortgages, students bogged down by educational debt that was free to all before desegregation. In many instances exceeding the earning potential academic erudition provides. Education is the most universal resource used in obtaining financial freedom and it is being slowly but surely taken from those daring to do more.                                                                         

Military budgets are limitless and educational funds are reduced and threatened annually. Those who lack spiritual currency, succumb to moral bankruptcy and use all means available to pollute the minds of the young and old.  A generation desensitized and trained by first person shooter simulations designed to bring modern warfare into living rooms everywhere in the form of online games of war. Building a new century centurion army by educating offspring in weapons use in between pauses to use the potty and take naps. Passive aggressive military recruitment thru virtual cultivation  via entertainment consoles wrapped and marketed in this years’ hottest new must have video game. An obvious perpetuating of destructive policies placated with an advisory stamp. Children becoming well versed in major historical conflicts and the infinite ways wars are waged. Compromises made for the latest multi-tasking technological soon-to-be outdated diversion provides a false sense of social connection to the whole. Out of sight is out of mind, trapped within the confines of a surrealist oil painting brush stroked by Dali representing a modern day interpretation inspired by Lord of the Flies[ix]. Being technologically advancement does not equate to an enlightened civilized society.

Flames Burn Eternal at Militaristic Tributes near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
Governments controls thru warfare.  Privatizing natural resources belonging to the aborigine. Depleting lands and redistributing profits to shareholders instead of being reinvested improving the opportunities for residents’. The U.S. military is not a poor man’s force[x] when unemployment rises the educated enlist. The blood of patriots[xi] stain battlefields turned cemeteries’ where agriculture once flourished; now lined with tombstones engraved with the name Brother, Husband, Father and Son. Sacrifices taken for granted, sworn never to be forgotten. A flame burns eternal, flames burn eternal at militaristic tributes near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier[xii]. Pomp and circumstance, changing of the guard; it’s a great tourist photography opportunity that can be instantly uploaded to a glorified over-valued on-line obituary. Shows everywhere traveled, endless times of opulence; more than enough to make x number of friends envious and validate self-existence. Tallying popularity by total current followers times countless friend acceptances forthcoming. New virtual realities are fast in development. Prototypes are being tested. Pseudo environments and internet identities pacifying married couples and conflict born orphans. Barons’ raid the temple; accepted by presuppositions of helplessness and inability to positively affect the hive.

WHAT IN GOD’S NAME IS GOING ON?  The more things change the more things stay the same!

Until a paradigm shift in consciences occurs’ planet wide the status quo will continue. There must be consequences for the choices and decisions those at the top have made that negatively impact constituents. Social dissonance is necessary in bringing about public awareness and spotlighting the corruption that poisons the well. Apathy and appeasement border on behavior reserved for traitors and anti-humanist. Bills will be passed in the coming decade that will solidify bureaucratic caste systems handicapping the less sophisticated. Unalienable rights and pursuit of happiness guarantees are up for debate; threatening to be reneged and undone by extremists on the left and right side of the aisle. Obstacles put in place will not be easily altered thru the casting of a ballot. Denial is a state of ignorance forgivable until “Facing it” (Facing It, Komunyakaa).

[viii] Enron :Smartest Guys IN The Room -2005
[x]The data shows the force is more educated than the population at large. More service members have some college than the typical 18- to 24-year-olds. On the socioeconomic side, the military is strongly middle class.
[xi] The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.-
—Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Letter to William S. Smith (1787)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Disney Secrets

            THE TOY STORY

               Two to three times monthly a group of Disney cast members from different factions of the conglomerate gather for brainstorming sessions lasting 2 or 3 days. The cast members are personally chosen by Chris Heatherly, 34 and Len Mazzocco, 53; a duo paired by top executives in June 2006. These think tanks are carefully structured to bring employees together under one umbrella and manifest relationships that are creative and innovative in nature. These forums for an open exchange of ideas have led to a market leading toy division that revamps its product lines every six months. This has turned out to be a remarkably well run performance process that has doubled revenue since June 2006 and it is no accident.


                 The planning of this creative process is well thought out and executed. Having participants from all the various sectors of the Walt Disney Company casting pool to choose from is a competitive advantage Disney has over all other media companies; from artist to theme park cast members and everything in between that can be imagined. After selecting group members, schedule conflicts must be resolved and location must be decided. The syncing of everyone’s schedule is no small undertaking; transport and lodging must be aligned with the groups travel schedules. Conference room locations have to be chosen and all parties need proper directions and times of the forty to sixty minute brainstorming sessions. Management also implements various ice-breaking meet and greet techniques so that there is an opportunity for the group to get familiarized with one another. The organization of all these activities is meticulous; package materials are distributed to all individuals with travel information, airport transportation, lodging, resort check-in and luggage handling followed by a bit of down time to adjust and unwind. A second itinerary is now distributed to all individuals with group meeting places and time information, local activities and attractions for enjoying their personal time. The ice breakers that get the ball rolling so to speak are management leading employees by initiating communication with one another. Encouraging participants to think outside the box without the pressures of deadlines helps prevent groupthink. The employees are separated into smaller groups to create a sense of comfort so that non-creative workers would not be intimidated when grouped with a Disney veteran who might have various specialty skill sets. Each group is equipped with an artist, empowering their creative juices and giving visualization to the concepts and ideas being developed. Employees feel valued when equipped with the tools to realize the tasks their presented with. Having an artist at their disposal is a signal from management that their belief and confidence in their abilities are sincere.
     Not every idea makes it to the assembly line. After each of session Heatherly and Mazzocco expect to have fifty new product ideas. These concepts are recalled and refined a second and third time during future think-tank getaways. The third process is a fully fledged prototype. Again, achieving prototype status is no guarantee that the toy will be placed in mass production. This is management practicing the control principle. Weeding out the less practical and choosing the most potentially profitable creations to be manufactured and distributed. This extensive creation process is responsible for half of their product line. (Joseph, 2009)
2009, CEO Bob Iger hired a new chairman to head Disney Studios, Rich Ross (Finke, 2009). Less than a month into his new position Ross proceeded to overhaul Disney Studios letting go and replacing many veteran executives who were considered safe in their jobs. This brazen restructuring was controversial and broad as over twenty studio employees were fired. Iger co-signed the shake-ups and had some key strategic planning revisions that were to be implemented immediately. For instance, the CEO believed the ninety day period traditional movies waited before being made available to DVD was too long. At the Walt Disney Company, house cleaning is a form of controlling. Executives are responsible and accountable for the increases or decreases in revenues on their watch. Ross knew this; after all he was replacing a four decade long employee of Disney in Dick Cook. Rich Ross had a difficult time adjusting to the movie business division; hiring MT Carney to head Marketing only to fire Carney shortly afterwards. He had rousing success in television but it did not translate into his new position. Experience became a weakness internally and posed external threats as competitors gained advantage with stability. Too many rookie executives filling too many important positions led to reduced profits. Eventually, someone has to fall on their sword. Such was the case 4/20/12, when Rich Ross resigned as Disney Studios Chairman (Reporter, 2012). The irony of this event was that the historical $200 million write off Disney made for “John Carter” and had Ross reaching for the pen to ink a resignation letter; was a project green lit by his predecessor Cook. To toss salt into the wounds two weeks later Marvel Studios, a fantastic acquisition of Igers’ that is paying immediate dividends, set the all time box office opening weekend record in Hollywood land, with the Avengers (CNN Wire, 2012). Regardless of who Okays what project or how successful and distinguished a resume, management is judged by their latest results or lack thereof.
      Nowhere is planning more prevalent than in its theme parks management and Disney Cruiseline operations. March 31st 2012, Disney Fantasy set sail. After ten years of not introducing a cruise ship, Disney is christening two in two years, increasing their number of maximum passengers by 150% (Garcia, 2012). These two magnificent floating cities did not just pop up from the under of the sea like the lost city of Atlantis. It takes more than pixie dust sprinkled over the Jolly Roger to create traveling theme parks. Disney's initial two vessel fleet have turned out to be sailing cash registers and they acted on all the analysis gained from massive databases holding the secret keys to Disney success. Top tier executives scan over generated reports and create future outlooks that no other entity on earth is privy to. The Magic and the Wonder were in some years out performing the Disneyland Resort in California. Overall the ships returns were exceeding those of any other theme park investments that the company has made recently. They were able to recognize a strength internally and an opportunity externally. The Disney brand marketed to an under-served segmentation that was willing to pay premiums above the standard industry fares because of a deep emotional connection the Disney brand has to families. They are a corporate leader when it comes to socio-responsibility and cultural awareness.  


               Management allocated the necessary finances for construction of the Dream and the Fantasy to a tune surpassing $1.8 billion. While the global economy was going to hell in a hand basket, Disney executives planned and organized the expansion of their fleet. Goldman Sachs annalists’ predicted on the Dreams maiden voyage that year over year revenues would reach $1 billion once the Fantasy was fully operational (Garcia, 2011). Of course, Disney already has knowledge of the prepaid bookings, customer spending habits, eating habits etc. that’s the secret. Dressing this up with descriptions of van glorious water coasters, shows, excursions, dinning etc. is unnecessary. One fact sums up the quality experience a passenger is exposed to when sailing the friendly seas with Disney; prior to achieving the ultimate American Idol stardom, Jennifer Hudson was a cast member performing on the Wonder (Golden, 2011). Hello!

               Where as Disney Cruise line operates on a differentiation strategy (D.S); Disney theme parks practice price differentiation combined with D.S. They are constantly balancing the scales of marketing and price points strategies in order to attract as many guests as possible from different consumer segments while maximizing profits. The theme parks most recent expansions are great examples of “How star managers realize grand design”. (Power Point 6-1)
               Just as the global financial crisis was dawning on October 17th 2007, The Walt Disney Company (WDC) announced a billion dollar expansion of the lack luster performing Disney’s California Adventure (DCA). A complete renovation of an underachieving asset is a risky endeavor considering the slowing economy and the February lawsuit against the city of Anaheim that was thrown out by Judge Stephan J. Sunvold a month before the announcement (McKibben, 2007). Instead of folding up the mouse ears tent, CEO Iger implemented a strategic positioning initiative with reinvestment and modernization of current assets to achieve a sustainable competitive advantage by preserving what is distinctive about the company. The objective is to create a multi-day experience for all age groups, genders and cultures.
 Changing direction following the suit dismissal and considering altering the dynamics and appearance of DCA are all procedural protocols Disney undertakes when scanning the environment. New innovations and creative freedom is a staple signature of the media giant. The addition of Cars land, opening June 25, 2012 and the strategic partnerships with James Cameron’s Light storm Entertainment, Fox Filmed Entertainment and Lucas Films, invigorate the consumer with confidence that fresh innovative experiences like Avatar and the new Star Tours attractions is just the next big thing of endless big things to come (Block, 2012).
               DCA is not the only theme park undergoing major renovations. In the south east coast region of the United States, the flagship Walt Disney World Resort is currently expanding the Fantasyland area of the Magic Kingdom (MK) theme park. There was an exclusive soft opening in March. Expansion will continue and officially open to the public in stages thru 2014. A new value priced resort themed on the “Art of Animation” opens in sections beginning May31st, 2012. With expansion increasing guest capacity at the MK, new lodging will be needed to satisfy demand. The WDW resort also opened a fifteen story extension to the Contemporary Resort named the Bay Lake Tower (BLT) in 2009.  The BLT was the second resort opened that year, proceeded by the Animal Kingdom Lodge Villas. Both resort expansions were done for the Disney Vacation Club (DVC), a subsidiary that offers pseudo timeshares to Disney enthusiasts. In 2010 the house of mouse unveiled the plans for Disney’s Golden Oak; a residential resort community for those who want year round access to the magic. Disney subcontracted the construction of these luxury homes to various reputable designers and then stamped a “disney d.jpg” on the finished product; and people are willing to pay premiums for the privilege to reside there. That is brand leverage and a competitive advantage that no other media company has the luxury of. One of the worlds’ most visited tourist destinations has been vigorously reinvesting, expanding and modernizing its’ assets during a global recession and it speaks volumes about the direction of the U.S economy.
         April 1992 EuroDisney opened in Marne La-Vallee, France was not received with opened arms. The people of Europe did not want some carbon copy of American culture forced on them; they can travel to DCA or WDW for that. They wanted a unique European experience influenced by regional culture yet still authentic Disney. Reimaging the resort to appeal to a broader European population took years of scanning the socio-environment and adjusting accordingly; most notably the name change from EuroDisney to Disneyland Paris (DLP) to establish a connection between the theme parks and La Ville-Lumiere. Editing the dining menus’ resort wide were necessary changes as well because the French cuisine alternatives in nearby Paris were more desirable and the people of the regions palates were too refined to settle for processed American comfort food. The cultural adaptations made to improve the ambiance and scenery consisted of character favorites refashioned in traditional garbs of Europe’s’ past and present. This diligence and commitment was rewarded in 2011 when DLP surpassed the Eiffel Tower as the most visited tourist site of Europe. DLP has seen attendance balloon to 15.6 million guests and 724.3 million Euros’ in revenues. Visitors from the United Kingdom, Spain and France were willing to pay higher entrance fees, premiums on merchandise, room rates and food. All while central banks and international monetary fund’s scramble to rescue governments on the brink of bankruptcy. Perhaps, Philippe Gas, the CEO of EuroDisney should be given the reigns over the fiscal policies of the EU. He had to take defensive measures in order to turn around a non profitable division while conservatively applying growth strategies for renovation and expansion. The up and down flow of information within the DLP bureaucracy enabled top tier executives to receive valuable data from front line managers who had firsthand knowledge of the guests wants and needs. Highlighting the positive and making the necessary corrections when call for. This year DLP celebrates its’ 20th anniversary and the cranes in the sky above the Magic Kingdom signal new innovations for a nouveau siècle. Risky investment in the a future riddled with  calls for austerity measures. The adapting cycle is perpetual; nowhere more visible than at Walt Disney Theme parks and people around the world to visit the happiest place on earth.
  That includes the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong and the land of the Rising Sun. Disneyland Hong Kong (DLHK) is an interesting example of the intricacies’ related to management and the mandatory maneuvering that occurs when partnering with a government. Many concessions were made in order to gain a footprint in Hong Kong’s consumer market. Not realizing the potential Disney first had for DLHK added to the stalemates over funding and expansion have more than likely doomed the smallest of all Disney theme park resort (Cochran, 2009). In 2014 Disney will premier an enormous theme park in Shanghai; more than five times that of its’ Hong Kong sister. If the culture miscues that plagued DLHK surface in Shanghai, there will be heads mounted. A $4.4 billion risk that there will not be cheaper imitation attractions popping up around the city like what occurred in HK leeching revenues from their coffers. The Chinese government is fickle and made Disney agree in principle that their Magic Kingdom would be distinctively different than that of her counterparts in the west (Barboza, 2011). Collaboration with local employees, foreign governments and contrasting social norms are potential barriers that need to be hurdled with utmost delegacy, precision and cohesiveness. The Walt Disney Company hires managers and manifests leaders.
May 8th, 2012, on an earnings call to address the newly released second quarter results and speak on the outlook of the media giant, CEO Robert Iger glowed. Informing the public of an 18% per share earnings increase over the 2011 comparably adjusted results is always welcomed news. He spoke of goals and objectives in regards to the merchandise based on the Avengers and reconfirmed projected release dates for Disney/Pixar/Marvel Studio films. The boys and girls in the toy division will have more than a few pow-wows discussing Marvel Heroes products and the first female hero to garner top billing in a Pixar film. (Iger, 2012)
               There were many positive aspects of this call to get excited about beyond toys, movies and theme parks. The Disney Secret is in its metrics matrix. If the consumer confidence index is the greatest indicator of economic health, than Disney earnings is the barometer by which it is calculated. Perhaps it is time to consider the current economic climate and employment opportunities will not reach levels prior to the depression. 19th century education, training and job development has left 21st century citizens ill prepared for the impact of technology on the global labor force. There are people thriving in this new century job market or so says the Q2 Disney performance.

Baker, J. F. (2012, February 21st). [Web log message]. Retrieved from
Barnes, B. (2010, January 12th). Management Shake-Up Continues at Disney. Retrieved from
Barnes, B. (2012, May 8th). Espn and theme parks drive Disney profits. Retrieved from
Barboza, D. (2011, April 7th). Disney plans lavish park in Shanghai. Retrieved from
Block, A. B. (2011, September 9th). 'Avatar" theme land headed to Disney. Retrieved from
CNN Wire Staff, (2012, May 7th). 'The Avengers' smashes domestic box office record for opening weekend.    
Cochran, J. (2009, March 18th). Big trouble in Hong Kong: Disney all but abandons Hong Kong Disneyland.
Disney Company, W. (2007, October 17th). Disney announces significant expansion plan for the Disneyland resort.
Edition, F. (2008, April 17th). Magic Restored. Retrieved from
Finke, N. (2009, October 5th). Toldja! Rich Ross named chairman of Walt Disney Studios. Retrieved from
Fiscal Report, 2. (2011, November 9th). Euro Disney S.C.A. Retrieved from
Garcia, J. (2012, February 7th). Cruise line, theme parks propel Disney profit. Retrieved from
Garcia, J. (2011, January 1st). With new cruise ships, Disney looks to sea to boost growth. Retrieved from
Golden, F. (2011, January 19th). Grammy Winner Jennifer Hudson christens Disney’s dream. Retrieved from
Iger, C. E. O. (2012, May 8th). Walt Disney’s CEO discusses q2 2012 results - earnings call transcript. Retrieved
Joseph, D. (2009, July 9th). Inside Disney’s toy factory. Retrieved from + design_product+design
Leberecht, T. (2008, March 10th). Innovation 1 on 1: Chris Heatherly of Walt Disney co.. Retrieved from
MacDonald, B. (2012, March 14th). Disney world opens first phase of fantasyland expansion. Retrieved from
McKibben, D. (2007, September 25th). Disney suit against city dismissed. Retrieved from
Reporter, H. (2012, April 20th). Disney studios chairman Rich Ross resigns. Retrieved from
Stewart, J. B. (2011, July 1st). A collision of creativity and cash. Retrieved from

Sunday, August 12, 2012

First Date: Do's and Don'ts for Dames

How Not To Date!
The do not’s that will lead to I do’s. Men are simple creatures, uncomplicated and easy to disseminate. A few dating tips on what not to do on a date and this chump will be hooked for life. Men love a gal who makes them appear more interesting than they really are in public. No cooking skills are necessary; they are a plus no question but not the deciding factor. Intelligence could be beneficial long term but in the infancy of relationships the dumber the better.


Do not wear jeans. Yes, every boy had a crush on a tomboy at one time or another but that was at 12 years old. Nobody wants to get punched in the face trying to get to first base. Wear a dress. Not a prom dress, not a wedding gown and most certainly no mini-skirts, looking like a lady of the night could attract unwanted attention. No skorts. They were so cute in preschool and at cheerleader practices but the pedophile fantasy thing is sort of frowned upon in most civilized societies today. Wear a dress because nothing makes a man feel more like a man than sharing the company of a woman.


No finger foods. Resist the temptation to seem down to earth by ordering a cheeseburger or gyro. Eating with your hands is a bad impression waiting to happen. No mayonnaise please! It does not matter how cute those squiggly rainbow designed manicured nails look. Lay off the Buffalo wings and the dip, too. Last thing a guy needs is the entire restaurant staring at his date shoving anything more than an inch long down her throat. Before you know it some creep is using an I-Phone or Samsung to record the whole fiasco then instantly uploading it to YouTube or and before the soup gets cold the video goes viral; not the ideal path to celebrity.  Those Linda Lovelace skills can always be showcased privately at a more appropriate time and place. For God sake do not lick those fingertips clean. Pick up a napkin; it came with the table wrapped around utensils which should have rang the  first warning bell. Order the salad with vinaigrette and be done with it.


Nobody likes a chatter box so zip it as much as possible. Nothing ruins a great outfit more than constant talking. Sometimes men enjoy gazing and thinking of the right things to say. In his mind; he is adding to the image he already created and it is always positive. Senseless conversation creates confusion and disintegrates  this image he is conjuring. It is always smart to have a zany handy if the urges to blabber are too strong to deny or he has reached his daily word limit. When medication is not an option, weep not fair maiden, there is still hope! Avoid these cardinal conversational topic taboos like the plague.


No wedding talk.  Commitment is too much pressure for a superman to handle until 3 years into a relationship.  He probably had no idea what to order for dinner. Questions of offspring will have him running for the exit and into a taxi-cab before dessert is served. Find out if he is responsible in other aspects of life and how he treats his mother and sisters’; that will address those concerns.

What's Your Man Got To Do With Me?

Lay off the ex-boyfriend talk. Obviously things did not go well or this date would not be happening. He is not interested in former lovers’ bank accounts, fancy car, house or his cool salt water fish tank. There are only four things on his mind:
What to order? 
Do I have enough money?
Check Please! 
His place, yours’ or a hotel? 

 Luckily, even if all these do not’s are done there is still an opportunity to turn this sinking Titanic into the Jolly Roger. He may not be that into her, he knew 20 minutes in she was not the one but he still wants to score. For what is love to a man anyway? Truth is most men do not have any standards and will sit thru a disaster for a chance to bump and grind.

Good Hunting!

Mcdonald's Europe Strategy

The Golden Arch's Global Strategy

Once upon a time, the future growth, sustainability and direction of the McDonald's Corporation were unsure and in question. In 2002, McDonald's reported a quarterly loss; the first such event in the corporations celebrated history; causing a share price decline to $16. On January 1st of 2003 CEO Jack Greenberg resigned and made way for the Vice Chairman and President Jim Cantalupo who implemented the “Plan to Win” growth strategy (McDonald's Corporation, 2002). This new mindset to incorporate People plus the four marketing principles of Product, Place, Price and Promotion helped change the culture of a business that had been on the decline for the 5 previous years. Implementation of Plan to Win began by focusing on the renovation of an out dated design that was decades old, easing of the international expansion; which was the previous method used by McDonald's to measure success and improving the menu. The global aspect of the ladder is what local businesses would do best to emulate in order to compete in the ever changing mega corporation dominated consumer markets.

Cultural Adaptation

Tongue twisterWhen revenues were lagging in Europe; Denis Hennequin was tapped change the fledgling franchises in 2005. Denis first began as a Paris McDonalds manager in 1987. He started by creating eight restaurant designs franchisees can choose from. Then he modified the menu. Every year Paris McDonald's would substitute American cheese for one of their own beloved domestic cheese topped burgers. France being a world renowned high quality cheese producing powerhouse; took to it like mice. Some of the choices of cheese were Protected Designation of Origin; favorites that are engraved into popular french culture. This promotion was a  rousing success and adopted countrywide. Other innovations and cultural adaptations were continually introduced in the following years.


In the year of our lord 2012; from February 15th through March 21st all of France will have the pleasure of enjoying a part of Americana topped with one of four French favorite cheeses on a baguette. Of course, this is France, so wine is commonly found on the McDonald's menu. How else would someone be able to compliment and truly savor the complicated undertones of a Mickey Dee’s burger crowned by a strictly regulated delegacy held to the highest standards of production proprietary to specific regions of earth? This current promotion followed the introduction of baguettes to the breakfast menu. Beginning April 1st the more than twelve hundred golden arches spanning France will debut limited edition McBaguettes with the intent on attracting Gallic clientele. Analyzing data on sales allows McD’s to construct a specialized menu unique to the French people; rotating regional product best sellers creating awareness recognition for the brand. Anticipation for the limited edition products that are exclusive and time specific; gives pricing power to the market leader and has helped spawn the European market and the chains largest region based on revenues. Not bad considering their biggest global competitor Burger King closed all 39 France stores in 1997. The King was dethroned after 16 short years.   

Large Adagio, Please!

In Italy; McDonald's rolled out the Adagio and Minuet to; created by an Italian culinary aficionado chef Guaterio Marchesi.  An unorthodox partnering considering the states side reputation for the fast food giant is not one of gourmet meals. Marchesi’s Adagio contains mousse of eggplant, ricotta cheese, a tomato and beef. This combination is not an option an American expects when glancing over the menu of their local McDonald's restaurant. Granted; in North America preferences vary from region to region but usually fall under the category of condiment differences. Hold a pickle here; no lettuce there but ricotta cheese? These regions by region innovations to their menus allowed each McDonald's the ability to be reshaped into the image local consumers were comfortable with. This is how a corporation the magnitude of McDonald's is able to create flexibility and promote unique products that empower consumers at a good value.

German Engineering

Mein Burger Finalisten 2012Germany, Holland, Finland etc all have limited twists on the American classic. Local entrepreneurs can use this information already obtained by McDonald's and incorporate these same like menu blends. Linked and promoted to coincide with cultural heritage days of observance; a business operator can carefully construct a year round menu calendar using the successes and failures of the fast food leader. Price points are already established and the specialized ingredients cannot be purchased entirely by one buyer. Ensuring competition for these resources and protecting against monopolizing these resources. Adopting McDonald’s global strategy locally could build awareness and the perception of being a market leader.

[1] McDonalds Corporation. (2002, December 5). Company profile. Retrieved from

[1] Capell, K. (2008, July 22). McDonalds tastes victory in Europe. Retrieved from


[1] Reilly J. (2012, February 29)Something French to go with the fries Retrieved From.

Fancourt, L.(2012, January 3)Born in the USA, Made in France: How McDonald's Succeeds in the Land of Michelin Stars, retrieved from:

(2002, December 5) McDonalds CEO Resigns Retrieved from:
Pedroni, M.(2011, November 9) Adagio and Vivace Retrieved from:
Miller, L. (2012, February 15) McDonald’s France promo pairs “baguette” burgers with famous cheese , retrieved from:
Zuckerman, E. (2011, July 29) McDonald’s: baguette to join hamburger on the menu, retrieved from:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

East Elmhurst

North Beach

In New York City, change is a constant motion designing and reshaping everything conceivable from the iconic skyline that symbolizes its’ excellence to the catwalks of Bryant park fashion moguls’ that set the trends. Stability is a rare commodity found in any cosmopolitan world city yet it exists and flourishes in the Western Queens community of EastElmhurst. The median time of residency in this quaint neighborhood of mostly one and two family homes is the highest in all of Metropolis at 38 years (Joseph, NY Times). There are valid reasons for this anomaly, first and foremost being that this was one of the initial United States communities that African Americans did not have as much resistance obtaining ownership of a home and take advantage of the American dream they did. The list of star-studded who's who of the black community at one time or another resided in this humble section of Queens. The area along Ditmars Boulevard was once referred to as the "black gold coast" by Walter Reifer.


Today, Dominicans are the fastest rising demographic in the greater East Elmhurst region, buying homes from elderly retirees moving out for various reasons or recently passed residents whose families have chosen not to retain ownership. The Hispanic population in East Elmhurst in largely middle class compared to other Latino neighborhoods such as Washington Heights or Spanish Harlem where most of the Hispanics are poor to lower income earning residents. The ethnic make-up of a neighborhood plays into types of business and services a community attracts and supports. Spanish is the most widely spoken language in the Elmhurst/Corona at 68.2% and local businesses have to accommodate the patrons who are looking for Hispanic products and services (City-data, 2011). Brick and mortar establishments must employ bilingual workers in order to better serve the local consumers. It is difficult for local shop and business operators to flourish without being able to communicate and market to these Queens residents in their native tongues. Many grocery, bodegas and supermarkets carry products from Latin America and the Caribbean hoping to supply a demand created by immigrants’ residing here but wanting a reminder of something back home.  Even still East Elmhurst is still considered to be one of the most diverse communities in the city. Yesterday though was very different.

Amusement Park

"North Beach Amusement Park" owned and operated by the Steinway family was a rest and relaxation destination resort. Built in 1886, the area and its amusement park profited into the early 1900s. Unfortunate fates doomed this urban oasis; approximately 10 years after the turn of the century the water had become noticeably polluted and  undesirable to swim in, hurting the overall number of vacationers visiting the resort area. The park operations continued to limp along hoping to resurrect their depreciating asset. To no avail the ultimate killer of the good time escape destination was the "Volstead act" that passed into law 1920; the final nail in the coffin for Gala Amusement Park Company. One year later in 1921 the Park filed for bankruptcy. Visions for a more grandeur park never completely faded. Shortly following the end of the noble experiment in 1933, some considered reopening the amusement park but Mr. Robert Moses was not one of them. Moses claimed the property in the name of progress, wanting to expand on a private flying field that was first referred to as "Glenn H. Curtis Airport" and then later "North Beach Airport". By the time New York City officials began reconstruction an alternate name was chosen and thus "New York Municipal Airport - LaGuardia field" it was christened. In 1953 the NYMA was dropped and "LaGuardia Airport" it became and has remained ever since.

The Patron Saint of Queens

Robert Moses who for all intent and purposes; should be anointed patron saint of the greater Flushing, Corona and East Elmhurst area. Once a landfill of horse manure and coal ashes; Flushing-Meadow-Corona Park (FMC) construction was started 1935 in preparations for the "1939 World's Fair". The parks commissioner trumped the 39’ fair when he paved way for the relocation of the "Brooklyn Dodgers" in the arm twisting contest of the century. Construction of a new stadium adjacent to FMC Park which became "Shea Stadium" first broke ground on October 28th, 1961 was completed and opened April 17th, 1964 in cost a grand total of $28.5 million. Of course this meant that the local community and all other self-loathing sports fans with no expectations had the pleasure of suffering through September meltdowns and the world renowned mediocrity of what was, is and will always be the "New York Mets"; the gift that keeps on giving. Thanks Bob!

The Worlds’ Fair, Amazing Mets, Yankees, Jets, Giants and the Beatles

Five days later in 1964 the world's fair again graced the grounds of North Western Queens FMC Park. It remained open for six months until October 18, 1964 then an additional six months the following spring April 21 - October 1965. The beloved still yet to be Amazing’s finished 53 -109, 13 games behind the next worst National League club the "Houston Colt 45's". In 65' the Metropolitans finished 50 - 112, this time 15 games worse than the second to last National League team the Houston Astros and it’s been downhill ever since minus two Miracles, Great times! Needless to say the stadium created jobs and brought visitors to an area that might not otherwise have generated as much revenue if any, as a sports franchise. There was a time when the New York Jets called Shea their home as did the New York Yankees  for the two seasons of 74’ and 75’. During the those years of renovations at Yankee Stadium and before the Meadowlands completed construction of a football facility the New York Giants called Shea stadium home. The Beatles also headlined the Queens stadium twice in 64’ then again in 66’ and they are considered mythical days in Queens History.  Shea and now Citi field bring in dollars from all over the greater tri-state area and employ many local residents. If the legal battle over the junk yards can be amicably resolved a full gentrification can occur revitalizing an area sorely in need of development and oozing with potential. 

Property Value/ Housing Market

The estimated median sale price of a house or condo in 11369 as of 2010 was $410,000, a very respectable number considering the New York median value of $304,100. The median ages of residents in East Elmhurst is 36.8 years old, one year younger than the New York average of 37.9 years old (City-data, 2011). There are 10,877 households with an average occupancy of 3.32 people per home. 25.82% of the current residents have been living in their home for more than five years; just above the 19% of residents who turn over during that same period. The neighborhood is largely made up of one and two family homes but have a few three and four family homes, totaling 8,655 households. Of these homes consisting of families 4,799 have children. There are still more total households without children 6,076 overall. Owner occupied homes totaled 6,071 leaving 4,805 rental units and 975 vacant dwellings. Those units consist of 1,044 studios, 1,129 one-bedroom units, 1,256 two-bedroom units, 1,545 three-bedroom units and 1,737 four bedroom units (, 2011).

About God

The makeup of the area can be dissected into many subsidiary categories. Let us begin with theology; the people of East Elmhurst are a faithful bunch to say the least. Within one square mile there are 59 separate places of worship. It is better to choose a parish of God and attend weekly masses, then dare sleep in on a Saturday or Sunday morning when the congregations of these 59 churches come knocking on doors and ringing bells; dressed to the nines ready to exorcise demons if necessary. Holy warriors mandated by the Supreme Being with the responsibilities of spreading the good word 12 hours past the time most heathens are in need of soul saving. This conservative characteristic of the community dictates which type businesses have longevity and are profitable. There is only one liquor store and one strip joint in the 11369 zip code and multiple dry cleaners since church parishioners tend to dress more formal and consume spirits less. Many of the local businesses close before 9pm as opposed to Astoria, a neighboring community where many businesses are open pass 12 midnight, a contrasting living style.

LGA Economic Effect

Being in proximity to LaGuardia Airport, East Elmhurst has seen its’ local economy very much shaped by the approximately 25 airline companies flying in and out of LGA and employing 9,000 people. Overall estimates are 63,000 jobs are created by on and off, directly and indirectly related commerce. $6.1 billion in salaries pouring out of the airport yearly and much of it stays in East Elmhurst. Car rental services and hotels help retain a portion of the dollars locally (Tragale, 2011). As do, restaurants, eateries and housing. Many employees of the LGA like pilots, stewardess’, TSA and the numerous small business operators inside of the terminals rent apartments and own homes in East Elmhurst.

Children's Education
The pre-high school options of East Elmhurst is a mish mash jigsaw puzzle as only one school offers PK-8; P.S. 127 the Aerospace Science magnet school. It is not exactly reassuring to send a child to a "magnet school", in essence meaning this school sucks but we could not defeat the union in court and hold terrible teachers accountable so; we stamped magnet on the name to give the appearance of being proactive and progressive. Louis Armstrong middle school, P.S. 227 serves 1,483 students and teaches grades 5-8 and has an impeccable reputation but only teaches four grades. Enrollment is limited due to the special acceptance application procedures that are required of all potential candidates. For those fortunate to be accepted, Louis Armstrong also has a museum inside of the main building, an invaluable tool in conveying cultural and historical lessons to students without having to leave the premises.  P.S. 148 grades PK-5 have an enrollment of 1,147 students. P.S. 228 are grades PK-2 and only have an enrollment of 394 students. There are private alternatives for those who wish to be taxed twice by the government for education. Our Lady of Fatima teaches PK-8 and has an enrollment of 654. There was also St. Gabriel's religious school of education but local residents could not afford tuition after being so horribly hit in the recent depression which led to the schools announced closing. Infants and toddlers can also enroll in one of the numerous daycares or early learning programs that have a noticeable presence in the neighborhood, if you can afford it. For some odd unexplainable reason a small area of East Elmhurst is zoned to attend schools in Whitestone, Queens. The neighborhood is also void of a high school. A very precarious situation for young adults who most likely do not own vehicles and the nearest train is on Roosevelt Avenue, it's a bit of the walk.

MTA Public Transportation

For those 35% of residents who do not own vehicles have the pleasure of enduring the first grade service of the Mass Transit Authority (MTA). Luckily for the esteemed taxpayers of East Elmhurst the MTA provides the Q19, Q23, Q33, Q47, Q48, Q49, Q60 and the Q72 routes. At first glance it might seem fortunate for such a small neighborhood to be outfitted with so many mass transportation options; that would be great if half of the bus routes did not take a scenic detour through the airport. This inevitably subjects local riders to weaving and maneuvering through utter madness extending their daily travel times. Most of these routes only lead to another bus or a subway stop and someone at the MTA must explain the necessity of the Q49 bus? This route is a complete porker; extend the Q33 to the Marine air terminal and they can dump the Q47 as well. Pardon the digression.

The Bravest and the Finest

New York’s Bravest, Engine 316 is the firehouse serving the good citizens of North Beach alongside the New York’s Finest of 115th precinct who protect parts of Jackson Heights as well. The nearest hospital is Elmhurst. There is also a local Nursing & Convalescent home in the community right across the street from a homeless shelter and everyone knows how beneficial those are to home values (Just Kidding, 2012). East Elmhurst has the distinction of hosting the Langston Hughes community library and cultural center. The Queens Library is home to an elaborate collection of various literatures and art of the African-American culture. The inscription above the entrance reads

"then the hand seeks the other hand to help,
            a community of hands to help-thus
            the dream becomes not one man's dream alone,
            but a community dream......not my dream
            alone, but our dream...”
            "Freedoms Plow"
            -Langston Hughes
Guest List

Jackie Robinson posing at bat.Some values never become outdated or old-fashioned. These words ring true through all neighborhoods and Barrios nationwide. The overall attitude and long-term identity of a community is reflected by the individuals who live within it. Hughes was far from the only notable residence who called East Elmhurst home. Satchmo owned a home here along with Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, Harry Belafonte; rap stars Kid-n-Play Christopher's Reid/Martin, Tommie Agee, baseball immortals JackieRobinson and Willie Mays resided in this lovely community. Current Queens Borough president Helen Marshall lives here, as well did the legendary civil rights activist Judge William Booth. East Elmhurst’s most controversial and influential resident is none other than Malcolm X whose former residence was at 23-11 97th Street. The corridor was renamed in his honor in 2005 to "Malcolm’s Place" and his home currently provides childcare.

Political Players

us politician cartoons, us politician cartoon, us politician picture, us politician pictures, us politician image, us politician images, us politician illustration, us politician illustrations East Elmhurst falls within the 35th state senatorial district and are represented by Jose Peralta, who buried Republican Robert Beltrani in a special election landslide. The Albany vacancy was created when Hiram Monserrate was historically booted from power by his legislative peers. The claim by officials in the capital was that his actions during a misdemeanor assault of girlfriend Karla Giraldo; slashing her face with a broken bottle and requiring 20 stitches to close; was damaging to the integrity of the chamber. Whereas; the 27 months he will serve for running a slush fund are common practice and forgivable. Needless to say; State Sen. José Peralta has his hands full. Good Luck Brother! Council woman Julissa Ferreras (D. 21st district, Corona, East Elmhurst) is filling a seat previously held by Hiram Monserrate. Nuff said! State Assemblyman Jeffrion L. Aubry (D. 35th district, East Elmhurst, Elmhurst, Corona) is an unknown name to most unless you're a resident of the 35th district; then his name might be recognizable since he has held the seat since he himself won a special election in 1992.

Excuse the Digression

Wow. Did the forefathers really intend for government bureaucracies to be occupied by career politicians? Surely after 20+ years of commendable and honorable service to his constituents, new blood is appropriate. Is limiting terms of public service in any one singular government position unreasonable? It should not take more than 18 years in one position to get your objectives accomplished. East Elmhurst is as well part of the 7th Congressional District of New York and is represented by Congressman Joseph Crowley. The Queens College graduate has the privilege of serving on the ways and means committee the oldest committee in the House of Representatives. They have jurisdiction over tax measures, trade and tariff laws, Social Security, Medicare, and retirement security.  In short he has been directly involved with all the areas of government that have failed the people of the United State miserably. Remarkably there seems to be no authentic threat to his seat. He has been winning lopsided landslides since 1998. (2011, January). NY housing, dwellings and occupancy information. Retrieved from
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