The hustle and bustle of the lowly struggling to make ends meet and living hand to mouth; leaves them too poor and tired to enjoy the “Fine Evenings” (Brecht, 10). The more people ponder where they are from and where is there final destination, the less time and energy they can spend contemplating the decisions those at the top are making. Holding leaders accountable becomes less and less important when daily struggles routinely preoccupy thoughts.
Distractions overload the senses from all angles penetrating most defenses. Subliminally, economically and existentially people are bombarded with images meant to jade consciences into a Leviathan Sleep. In Bertolt Brecht’s’ poem “From A German War Primer” he references people being so consumed by divided attention they do not realize the cost of their apathy. Unfortunately, warfare has become common place among the many global territories and is familiar to all due to this impassivity.
This merry-go-round of confusion and deceit continues to bamboozle generation after generation, regardless the party of majority or type of government. Systems are created with the intent on burdening citizens with little to no income. Obstacles within these bureaucracies’ prevent a larger percentage of the less privileged and financially strapped individuals’ from breaking through and achieving upward intra-generational mobility. Educational debt, mortgage debt, car debt, credit card debt have become modern day slavery. Conflicts across the globe and calls for patriotism blinds eyes. Gone are the days of discrimination against ethnicity, culture, religion et cetera. Currently, populations are segregated economically creating a de-facto-castesystem. The rich continue to prosper; the middle class continue make the rich richer and the poor are strategically sacrificed pawns meant to frighten the middle class to continue enriching the most fortunate sons[i] of society.“The house painter speaks of great times to come” and mass public falls in line (Brecht, line 76). These house painting representatives stand at pulpits preaching anxiety and separatism. Underneath their sleeves they are armed with a plethora of tools in the shed of mass public psychological warfare that never fail. Fear and legislation are the ones utilized most often with effective results.
Oct. 30, 1938: The Martians Have Landed in New Jersey![ii] This radio broadcast might not have been meant to incite mass panic and hysteria but the lessons learned during this accidental social experiment were archived and expanded upon. Media has been an effective device used to deliver which ever generational fear is most successful in manipulating the public.
Starting in 1960’s thru 80’s United States and British school children were shown propaganda films informing them of the safety procedures during an atomic fall out. [iii] Ironic, since it was the U.S. who actually dropped not one but two A. bombs on Japan.[iv]
Not long after the dust settled from ozone layer holes caused by hair spray, nuclear arms races and space wars, a new fear emerged, Y2K.[v] Today, terrorism is the new global enemy “Either your with us or your with the terrorist” (George Bush II, 9/20/2011). Justifiable collateral damage accepted in the name of freedom and the preservation of it. People are sold a democracy of meritocracy based on a minuscule number of rags to riches stories. In reality it is a crony-capitalism controlled by an oligarchy only concerned with self-enrichment.
Laws are an effective tools used to control the overall population; minimizing the rights and opportunities of many in society; while maximizing the impunity of others in the overwhelming numerical minority. Elected public servants speak disingenuous rhetoric provoking and igniting emotions in the mass public they are sworn to act in the best interest of. Done while double and triple playing demographics against one another. Focusing on the differences that distinguish humans rather than championing the similarities’ that binds.
Perpetrated under a banner of change; a common place rally cry shouted at nausea rendering it cliché. Only to be betrayed and sold-out by officials in the cigar smoked filled air of grandiose board rooms. Cap toe shoes resting on tables the monetary cost of a modest neighborhood home default-mortgage. Written off as an expense by some book cooking legal eagle dressed in a dark navy, two button single pleated 200’s wool suit. Red, white and blue striped tie accompanied by a die cast metal American flag pinned to a 2 ½ inch open notch lapel symbolizing their patriotism and loyalties.
Every step of the way promoting populous extremism’s wrapped around core ethical values. Highlighting integrity and hot stove non-issue issues then selling Nations dignities and cultural identities through austerity measures backed financially by some central bank or International Monetary Fund. In-debting future generations with out there consent guaranteeing their obligations will be so great that escaping the chains of ascribed status is minimal and inconsequential. Corporations granted more human rights than some of the conquered countries propped up dictators’ offer their citizens; put in power by taxpayer dollars. Some legal entities generating revenue streams and assets exceeding some Nations gross domestic production.
Politicians should be forced to wear uniforms like
Corporate double taxation and capital gains are terms linked to food stamp administrations and entitlements. The warfare between the working and investment class is creating divisions among citizens, building resentment that might result in mass backlash and unrest; further stifling recovery. When the checks begin bouncing and accounts are over drawn war will be on the horizon. “The war that is coming is not the first” (Brecht, 26). It is a vicious cycle of oppression in which history continues to repeat itself.
“The bombs being dropped on the jungles of Vietnam were exploding in the ghettos and barrios of America” (Why I oppose the war in Vietnam, Dr. King). Trillions of taxpayer dollars spent on development and deployment of intelligent weapons aimed at bringing liberty and justice for all! “Got money for war but can’t feed the poor” (Keep Your Head Up, Shakur). As these funds are being allocated families struggle with mortgages, students bogged down by educational debt that was free to all before desegregation. In many instances exceeding the earning potential academic erudition provides. Education is the most universal resource used in obtaining financial freedom and it is being slowly but surely taken from those daring to do more.
Military budgets are limitless and educational funds are reduced and threatened annually. Those who lack spiritual currency, succumb to moral bankruptcy and use all means available to pollute the minds of the young and old. A generation desensitized and trained by first person shooter simulations designed to bring modern warfare into living rooms everywhere in the form of online games of war. Building a new century centurion army by educating offspring in weapons use in between pauses to use the potty and take naps. Passive aggressive military recruitment thru virtual cultivation via entertainment consoles wrapped and marketed in this years’ hottest new must have video game. An obvious perpetuating of destructive policies placated with an advisory stamp. Children becoming well versed in major historical conflicts and the infinite ways wars are waged. Compromises made for the latest multi-tasking technological soon-to-be outdated diversion provides a false sense of social connection to the whole. Out of sight is out of mind, trapped within the confines of a surrealist oil painting brush stroked by Dali representing a modern day interpretation inspired by Lord of the Flies[ix]. Being technologically advancement does not equate to an enlightened civilized society.
Flames Burn Eternal at Militaristic Tributes near the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier
WHAT IN GOD’S NAME IS GOING ON? The more things change the more things stay the same!
Until a paradigm shift in consciences occurs’ planet wide the status quo will continue. There must be consequences for the choices and decisions those at the top have made that negatively impact constituents. Social dissonance is necessary in bringing about public awareness and spotlighting the corruption that poisons the well. Apathy and appeasement border on behavior reserved for traitors and anti-humanist. Bills will be passed in the coming decade that will solidify bureaucratic caste systems handicapping the less sophisticated. Unalienable rights and pursuit of happiness guarantees are up for debate; threatening to be reneged and undone by extremists on the left and right side of the aisle. Obstacles put in place will not be easily altered thru the casting of a ballot. Denial is a state of ignorance forgivable until
[viii] Enron :Smartest Guys IN The Room -2005
data shows the force is more educated than the population at large.
More service members have some college than the typical 18- to
24-year-olds. On the socioeconomic side, the military is strongly middle
[xi] The tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.-
—Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Letter to William S. Smith (1787)
—Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826)
Letter to William S. Smith (1787)
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